Why Every Canadian Needs to Worry About Justin Trudeau's Piggy Bank

In Canada, we like to think that our tax dollars are being put to good use—supporting healthcare, education, infrastructure. You know, the kind of things that are supposed to keep this country running smoothly. But lately, it feels like we’re watching our hard-earned money being stuffed into a piggy bank that’s barely ours anymore. Instead, it seems more like Justin Trudeau’s personal piggy bank, siphoned off to support foreign corporations, shady deals, and God knows what else. And the worst part? Public servants, the very people supposed to protect and serve our interests, are increasingly at the center of this mess, handing out our money like it's Monopoly cash—except it’s real, and it’s leaving the country faster than you can say "tax loophole."

Think about it: while most of us are struggling to make sense of rising costs and stagnant wages, the government is cutting deals with foreign companies, greasing palms, and facilitating the movement of our tax dollars out of the country. It’s like they’re setting up a pipeline straight to offshore accounts—whether in Jamaica, the Caymans, or whatever haven lets them park their wealth far from the hands of Canadian oversight.

Meanwhile, audits are becoming a tool of punishment rather than fairness. They’re not there to catch the cheats at the top—they’re there to squeeze the little guy who missed a form or made an honest mistake. It’s a setup, a trap designed to punish the innocent while the fake—those playing the system with access and privilege—stay uplifted, untouched, and even rewarded. It’s not about fairness anymore; it’s about control.

Public servants are supposed to be the safeguard between us and corruption, but what happens when they become part of the system that feeds on this corruption? It’s like watching the fox guard the henhouse, except the fox is in on the deal and the chickens are us. Every time a foreign corporation gets awarded a lucrative government contract, it’s like another piece of our sovereignty is being auctioned off to the highest bidder.

So why should every Canadian be worried about Justin Trudeau’s piggy bank? Because it’s our money filling it, and it’s our future being sold off in backroom deals. The people who are supposed to protect us are more interested in protecting their own, ensuring that the money flows—not back into our communities, but out of the country, far from our reach. And as long as we keep looking the other way, they’ll keep using our money to build their castles in the sand while we’re left to pick up the pieces.

Canada needs to wake up. It’s time to ask the hard questions and demand transparency from a government that seems more interested in serving foreign interests than its own people. Because if we don’t, we might find that the piggy bank is empty when we need it most—and all that’s left are broken promises and the remnants of a system that failed us.


each word a petal, each glance a spark


not just about taxes; it’s about the future of Canada. It’s about demanding accountability from those who think they can do whatever they want with our money