Ask yourself, where is your money going?

Why Every Canadian Should Be Worried About Justin Trudeau’s Piggy Bank

It’s time for a reality check, Canada. You’ve been told to pay your taxes, to contribute to the great Canadian system that’s supposedly here to support you—healthcare, infrastructure, social services, you name it. But when you peel back the layers of what’s really going on, you might find yourself wondering why your hard-earned tax dollars seem to disappear into some political black hole, never to be seen again.

And let’s talk about the banks while we’re at it. It’s not just your everyday taxes that are at risk. No, it’s the whole system that’s rigged to make sure that big corporations, foreign interests, and the connected few skim off the top—while you get squeezed dry.

Justin Trudeau’s government has become a giant piggy bank, not for the Canadian people, but for those who know how to work the system. Foreign companies are increasingly awarded government contracts, big chunks of your tax money handed over without so much as a glance at how that money will be used. It’s becoming all too easy for these corporations to funnel money offshore, into some shadowy bank account in Jamaica or wherever else their hearts desire.

You ever wonder why public servants are getting more comfortable with handing out these contracts to foreign companies? It’s like they’re playing a game of financial sleight of hand, making it easier for these corporations to line their pockets and move cash out of the country. Meanwhile, Canadians are left with rising taxes, stagnant wages, and declining public services.

You should be worried. Every Canadian should be worried. Because while you’re being told to tighten your belt and do your part, your tax money is being shipped off to fund projects and corporations that don’t give a damn about Canada or its people. The politicians will tell you it’s all about economic development or global competitiveness, but really it’s about keeping the powerful in power, and keeping you down.

Ask yourself, where is your money going? Why is it so easy for foreign companies to swoop in and claim huge government contracts, only to take the profits elsewhere? And why do we keep letting them? It’s time to demand answers and accountability. Because this piggy bank isn’t just some abstract political game—it’s your money, your future, and your country that’s on the line.


not just about taxes; it’s about the future of Canada. It’s about demanding accountability from those who think they can do whatever they want with our money


unrequited love